Stop and start

Another frustrating week, where progress seems elusive, but ending on a positive note where I hope I can make a difference to others.

Finding consistency in running – whether I am training for an event or not – is something I really look for. So far this year, it has been an elusive quality. Every time I seem to feel like I am making a bit of progress, something comes along to get in the way. This week has been another example of that. Frustrating? Yes. But I hope this time it is a very short-term thing.

My plan this week had been to run with my JogScotland group a couple of times during the week, and then get back to a long weekend run, with a half marathon distance run with one of my friends. The initial part of all of that went to plan. Two nice JogScotland runs all done, and I began to plan my route for the Saturday half.

“this would be hard going”

I have a half marathon race coming up in four weeks time, and I know that the first half of the race is hilly, so I deliberately planned a testing route with a few climbs within it. I have been really struggling with hills for months now, so I knew that this would be hard going, but good preparation for the race itself. As the second half of the race is predominantly downhill, my big focus was going to be on getting through those hilly early stages.

But then Friday happened, where I had to have some dental work done, and at the conclusion of it, my dentist told me that I should avoid physical activity for a few days. At the back of my mind I thought, “should I mention that I run or just leave it?”, but I posed the question about running and he said that that was a total non-starter for a few days. I am not sure what I was more disappointed about, having the dental procedure to start the day, or being told not to run. Either way, it was a pretty bitter pill to swallow. I had the pain from the dentist, then the lingering pain of not being able to run added on top.

“I have had to do it almost despite myself”

This kind of thing really does seem to sum up how things have gone this year. Though I need to appreciated that I have achieved a lot, I have had to do it almost despite myself. Illness through the early part of the year disrupted the ultra training. Then there was the injury in my thigh I picked up. And while generally I ignore the weather, the poor Spring and now early summer has not exactly been conducive to encouraging my out the door. Going back to October last year when I hurt my ankle in the Bennachie Ultra Trail race, and I was out for a number of weeks, it does feel like a long time since I had a clear spell with no issues.

I know in the grand scheme of things, this a temporary issue, and I should be back running by the end of the week – so my plans are not cancelled, they are merely postponed – but it is frustrating. Healthwise, I am totally fine, this is only a minor setback, and it is for my long term health so I have to accept it for what it is.

One positive about Friday morning was, pior to the dental appointment, I had an hour or so to kill after dropping my wife off at work, so I made good use of the time to go for nice long walk, mostly to take my mind off what was ahead!! The walk took me along the banks of the River Dee, then up into Duthie Park before a short spell on the old Deeside Railway line. This spell in the part and the line was the start and finish of the ultra route. I can tell you, it was a heck of a lot easier walking along it on Friday than it was attempting to run after thirty three miles!! But at least it did bring back some memories from an amazing day,which if you are interested about, you can read here.

The sight of the old platforms in particular really brought back thoughts of those final few miles; clocking off each old station in turn, perhaps seeing them in the distance and running to them, or getting to them while walking and running through them, all the while just chipping off a bit more from the overall distance. Still cannot believe I managed it to be honest.

Talking of positives, one bit of good news I did get this week was that I received my new Running Leadership in Fitness coaching license, enabling me to continue leading our JogScotland groups for another three years. I did the various tasks needed to renew the license a couple of months ago, but had not received my updated license to replace my one which expired at the start of the month.

My updated license from Scottish Athletics

Giving something back to the club which helped me so much has been, without a doubt, one of the most positive things I have done in recent years. To be able, hopefully, to help and encourage others in their own running journey and perhaps inspire them to achieve something they never thought possible, gives me an enormous amount of pleasure. And it is great that I will be able to do that for another three years at least. Wit this kind of volunteering, maybe I can make a difference to some people’s lives, in a small way at least.

Trying to stay positive then, dealing with yet another stumble along the way, but no more than a minor stumble this time, and at least the week ended with a bit of positivity. I should be back running towards the end of this week, so now the half marathon run is planned for next weekend. A good few days then to gird myself ahead of those challenging hills to come.

Author: The Jet-lagged Jogger

I traveled. A lot. I run. A bit. Go the distance. 6 x marathon and 1 x ultramarathon finisher.

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